Friday, July 29, 2011

S words


I am still working on the Autumn Stripes blanket for my Aunt and Uncle's Christmas present.


I bought this variegated yarn with the intention of making a  lapghan for my Grandmother and never got around to making it. She passed away in May (another post on that coming soon), so now I am using the yarn to make my Dad a blanket.


My oldest baby turned 6 last week. It is so hard to believe she is 6 already. It breaks my heart to see them growing so fast. I miss having babies, but love this age too. She had a party at the daycare with her friends. We also took her out for her birthday with the family, and then to Wal*Mart to pick out what she wanted for her birthday. 


Here she is showing off her silly face. Both of my girls can cross their eyes, I can't.


Last week we dog sat this sweet little one. My seester and her family went on vacation and I got temporary custody of her female Boston Terrier, Angel. And what a little angel she is. She has the best temperament, and endured torture from my girls so well. She was put into a tutu, tried to be made to wear a tiara and high heels and just played along with them. I didn't want to give her back. They are planning on breeding her soon and I have already put my name in the pot for a little girl puppy.

 Steamy and Scorching

If you live in the US, you know what I am talking about and I don't think I need to go into details. :)



  1. Both of your projects look nice. :)

    Sorry for the loss of your Grandmother.

  2. Love the afghan you are making for your dad. Sorry to hear about your grandmother.

    You will LOVE having a Boston Terrier. I have a male right now and had a female before him. They are such good dogs. Angel is a cutie.

    It's so funny because my sisters and I call each other "seester" too! Hee-hee.
