Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sights and sounds of the Season.....

The big guy has come and gone and was very generous to my little ones.

Our "Elf on the Shelf" has completed his mischief mission for the year and hitched a ride back with Santa last night.

Christmas plays were performed.

Teeth were lost. Three in the last two weeks.

Stockings were hooked and hung. I made 26 of these little stockings from Sucrette and gave them out to classmates and students.

Gag gifts were given. I just love my favorite Sis-in-Law!

Presents were distributed, paper flew around, and squeals of delight were heard.

An afternoon horseback stroll was enjoyed (without the sleigh). This is my nephews horse, Cherokee, being led by my brother who celebrated his 35th birthday yesterday. Happy Birthday baby Brother, we love you!

A good time was had by all.

Our Christmas was
Merry and Bright,
and I hope you and your family
have had a wonderful day.
Much Love to each of you.


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