Sunday, January 1, 2012

Been puttering around...

No big projects being worked on around here. Just a few little "instant gratification" ones to get me by. I did this Queen Anne's Lace scarf in Vanna's Choice color Ducky. I love the color yellow but it washes me out, so I thought a scarf would add just a little color without making me look like a corpse.

A cute little flower that took less than a hour to hook. The pattern is the Slinky Crochet Flower by Teresa Richardson. She also has a youtube video for directions. I made this one with I Love this Yarn! Sparkle and also one with a cotton yarn. I like the look of the cotton one better.

I made my daughter this Rosie Rabbit from Michelle at the Royal Sisters. She has the pattern for sale in her Etsy shop. This was made with  I Love This Yarn! Sparkle, and is my 6 year olds favorite color. I am starting one in Pink Sparkle today for my 4 year old.

Another flower quickly made. The pattern is Flower Pin by Dot Matthews.

Same pattern. I added beads with rhinestones to the center of each. I found these beads in a dollar bin at Dollar General.
I am working on a black Queen Anne's Lace and a red one for a co-worker. She is gonna model them for me around her college campus and hopefully get me some orders.

I hope this new year is a great one for you. May you be blessed with health, wealth, happiness, and lots of hooking time!


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