Monday, January 2, 2012

Allow me to introduce you...

to my our new little girl Stella. She is a  6 weeks and 1 day old little freckled face darling! We got her today from my Seester, you might remember this post where I introduced her Mother. Stella looks just like her mom and has the same sweet laid back temperament. I know she is going to be the perfect addition to our family.

Such a sweet face! She had her first Vet visit today for shots and weighed in at a whopping 2lbs 4 oz. She was the pick of the litter. I picked her out the day she was born, and just knew she had to come live with us.

Stella is the second Boston Terrier I have had. She is laying in my lap right now, wrapped up in a blanket, and snoring like a grown man! Off to look up sweater patterns, she shivers like crazy!

I will post later to tell you about a new year long project I started yesterday.


  1. Congrats. To you all.
    My grandmothers name was Stella Jane. So I love that name.
