Thursday, April 26, 2012

Locks of Love

It was past time for a haircut for my girls. Maranda was born with a head full of hair and it has always been long. People would stop us in stores and compliment her hair. While it was beautiful it was a chore. She is so tender headed and would cry when I would brush her hair. With summer coming she asked to get it cut off. It took me a lot of debating to agree but I finally did. This past Saturday I got it cut. Eleven inches gone with a few snips. I talked with her about Locks of Love and we have decided to donate her ponytail to them.

A moment of shock when I handed her the ponytail.



She looks so grown up here. I am so proud of her for doing this for a little boy or girl to have a wig.

Caroline has baby fine hair that just always looks stringy and nappy so I decided to get hers chopped too. She was only able to have 8 inches cut not enough to donate.

Sassy and a little sweet.

It's a chilly rainy day here thankfully the weekend is coming and I am planning on breaking out the sewing machine and whipping up some summer dresses for the girl. Hope you are all having a great week and wonderful plans for the weekend.



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