Monday, October 24, 2011

Good Grief Ya'll!

So, Saturday morning I was enjoying some peace and quiet, coffee cup in hand, and enjoying a nice stroll through blog land. I was looking at this blog (go check out her Infinity scarf, gorgeous and she has a tutorial) when I saw my blog name on the side bar. Right under my name are the words "1 month ago". WHAT? That can't be right! I haven't blogged in over a month?!?  Bad Blogger, Bad! No excuses, I have got to do better than this!

Well, lets see, what have we been up to. Last time I wrote I was off on a vacay. We had a wonderful time at the beach, the weather was absolutely perfect, the girls and my Mom had a great stress free time. I love to watch the sunrises over the ocean. We began the September beach trips many years ago to take my MaMa Murry to see the sunrise on the ocean for her birthday, which would have been September 7th. It was bittersweet to see this sunrise, she passed away in March of this year. I think this is the prettiest one I have seen yet.

I got to see some friends who moved to Myrtle Beach a few years ago, and their children. I photographed their wedding 10 years ago, and while at the beach I photographed her Daughters Senior pictures. Here she is ready to take on the world.

This past Saturday we went to a birthday party for a very special lady.
This is my Great-Aunt Aline with her family. Happy 90th Birthday!

A couple of sweet little guys had birthdays recently also.

Caden Jacob turned one on September 20th. I introduced him in this post.

Thomas turned one on September 29th. Here was his debut on here.

Let me introduce you to Thomas' new little brother, Brayden.
Yes, Thomas and Brayden are less than a year apart. To be exact 21 days from being a year apart. Their Mother, my cousin Heather, would be very appreciative of any prayers ya'll would like to send up for her. :-)
Brayden was born on September 8th. The day after what would have been our MaMa's 90th birthday.

I think I will stop here. I have been up the last two nights with a sick 6 year old, sore throat, coughing, and fever. She has a doctor appointment at 2 this afternoon. We are hoping its not strep.

Look for upcoming posts with my crafty projects coming up soon. I promise it won't be a month before we meet again.

1 comment:

  1. I live in Myrtle Beach, so exciting to see someone else have picture of the beautiful beach!
