Saturday, May 28, 2011

It is Finished...

Finished!!!!  Sorry, it feels so good to actually have finished something that I just had to shout it.

I love how this little baby blanket has turned out. Perfect colors for a little baby boy.

They match the colors of the Jungle themed nursery.

Please ignore the weed filled flower bed in the back ground, just concentrate on the blanket. :-)

Speaking of finished, yesterday was Marandas last day of Kindergarten.

A picture of her on her first day of school in August. Look at all that hair.

And a picture of her on the last day of school.
It is so hard to believe I have a first grader now. Next thing I know she will be starting college.


hooksandyarns said...

Very nice - love the colors.

Your daughter is a real cutie. And you're right - you blink a few times and they're grown with their own families. :)

lovestitch said...

Oh your blanket is really gorgeous! I love the colors too! Adorable work!
Your little girl looks so cute, and her dress looks so lovely too! Isn't it great to see how fast she's growing! :)
Thanks for your visit and hope you have a wonderful day!

Pammy Sue said...

Love your blanket, Tracie! I saw it on Ravelry (or Flickr...I can't remember which), but I didn't realize it was yours. Very nice.

I posted your Million Dollar Pie and gave you a little linky today!

crazymotheringchick said...

Oh, a gorgeous blanket. Is the Ellen Gormley's Sunny Spread pattern? I'm working on that in a gold.

You are blessed with such a beautiful daughter. And you're right, look at all that beautiful hair. Gorgeous. Love the little sundress she's wearing in the later picture.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous blanket. Found your blog through Scotty's Place.

Anonymous said...

Really nice and attractive Design of Blanket! i Really like it!
cotton outlast blanket

Crissi said...

the blanket with Granny Squares is so beautiful,
Greetings from Germany

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